Family Protective Plan
**Disclaimer** This resource should not be construed as legal or financial advice.
It is always recommended that those dealing with an estate or matters concerning a death should contact an attorney.
DMV – Survivorship Information/Title transfer after death
Please note this information is provided as a guide and in no ways substitutes that of Certified Legal Advice. Please contact an Attorney with any legal questions you may have. SOCIAL SECURITY: You must contact the office at 2504 Oakmont Way Eugene, OR. you may also call the national office phone 1-800-772-1213. Per Social Security, take a certified Death Certificate and Marriage Certificate with you to your meeting with them. Major Family Funeral Home will file the form SSA-721 (Statement of Death by a funeral director), this will apply for the lump sum benefit of $255 for living spouse or dependent child under the age of 16.
OFFICE OF FEDERAL GROUP LIFE INSURANCE: Call 1-800-633-4542 and ask for Form FE6 Claim for Death Benefits. Their address is 4 East 24th St. New York, NY 10001. Print from this website:
INSURANCE: Notify company/Agent of the passing of the insured. Check for coverage at the place of employment, auto, medical, health, accident and life insurance. If the deceased was the beneficiary on a policy you must request a “change of beneficiary form”, the funeral home will help in any way possible.
VETERAN’S BENEFITS: 151 W. 7th Ave Room 460 Eugene OR 97401, 541-682-4191 to inquire about any benefits or tax exemptions within 30 days. Phone the Oregon State Veteran’s Affairs Officer at 1-800-692-9666 700 Summer St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. ~ File for lost DD214 ~ Major Family Funeral Home can file for any Veteran’s Benefits for which you may be intitled.
BANKS/SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX: Notify the bank of the death. Check for insurance on bank loans and installment contacts. Change the name on bank accounts, government bonds, and saving certificates. CD’s may be withdrawn without penalty. Check the Safety Deposit Box.
INSTALLMENT LOANS; If loan is uninsured, a certified death certificate will be needed.
HOME AND REAL PROPERTY RECORDING: Take a certified copy of the death certificate to the Deeds and Records Division in the County where the property is located. A copy of the Death Certificate will be made, and the original returned to you. Lane County Deeds and Records Division is in the Lane County Courthouse, Public Service Building, 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97401, (541) 682-3654.
OREGON STATE HOME LOAN MORTGAGE: To activate the mortgage cancellation, a Certified copy of the Death certificate should be sent to either the County’s Veterans office or the local Oregon State loan office. The State Veterans Affairs Department can be reached at 1-800-828-8801. Their address is 700 Summer St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES: Supply either a certified copy of the Death Certificate or a copy of the death notice and the certificate of title to the Motor Vehicle Division:
OREGON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE: Contact them regarding Inheritance Taxes. The local office is located at 1600 Valley River Dr., Suite 310, Eugene OR 541-686-7935. The phone number of the Salem office is (800) 356-4222.
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE: Local office located at 300 Country Club Rd, Suite 260 Eugene, OR 97401. 541-465-6739. Information Line is 1-800-829-1040. Blank forms can also be ordered by calling 1-800-829-3676.
STOCKS AND BONDS: Contact the stock company or you can contact your local broker for help. You must have written consent from the State Department of Revenue to sell or transfer CORPORATE stock owned by the deceased. (Form IT-17)
PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM: If deceased is a member of P.E.R.S. (public or civil service employee), contact the Public Employees Retirement System, 11410 SW 68th Parkway, Tigard OR 1-888-320-7377. Fax # 1-503-598-0561
U.S. CIVIL SERVICE: Write to the Bureau of Retirement Insurance and Occupational Health, Washington D.C. 20415, and ask for Form 2800, the Application for Death Benefits.
RAILROAD RETIREMENT: Their address is 620 SW Main St. Suite 112, Portland, Oregon 97205. The phone number is 877-772-5772.
UNIONS: Unions are listed under LABOR ORGANIZATIONS in the Yellow Pages.
U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: Notify the post office of the death. Ask for his/her name to be removed from all mailing lists.
TRACKING DOWN INSURANCE POLICIES: Family members may contact the previous employer, if there was one, or contact the large insurance companies in the area for assistance in locating policies. Or try Search International, Inc. for missing policy searches. CREDIT REPORTING AGENCY: Contact and send a copy of death certificate to each credit reporting agency.
Certified copies of the Death Certificate may be ordered from Major Family Funeral home or by contacting one of the following offices.
(0-6 months after passing) Lane County Health and Human Services Vital Records 151 W. 7th Ave Room 510 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 682-4640
(6 months and on) Oregon Health Division Vital Statistics Section P.O Box 14050 Portland, OR 97293 (541) 673-1190
Cost of Death Certificates are $25.00/each
One-time State Filing Fee of $20.00
Please note it can take up to 10 business days for the Completion and delivery of Death Certificates.
It is important to remove the Decedents name from everything.
If necessary, consult an attorney.